Living Life Authentically: Stop Listening to the Machine, Start Listening to Yourself
In today’s world, it feels like there’s constant noise telling us what to do, what to wear, what to eat, which makeup to buy, and why we need to spend $300 on the latest skincare potion to be considered “worthy.” Every scroll through social media or ad we see reinforces this narrative: that we’re not enough as we are. But here’s the question—where is the content telling us we are already enough? That if we follow our gut, trust our instincts, and chase our passions, everything will be okay?
It’s time to stop listening to the machine and start listening to yourself. You’ve got one life. Make it count, not by chasing trends, but by chasing what sets your soul on fire.
My Story: Learning to Be Enough
Growing up, I didn’t fit in. I tried. I really did. But I never truly belonged to one group or clique. I’m not even sure why that is. It bothered me for a long time. I wasn’t invited to parties, and I don’t have a bunch of cool high school photos surrounded by a big friend group. I had one or two close friends, and while that should’ve been enough, there were so many days when I felt alone. I cleaned my room, a lot. After all, it was my sanctuary.
At the time, it sucked. But looking back, I see how that experience allowed me to just be me. Without the pressure to navigate social cliques or impress a certain group, I learned to find my value in myself, not in what others thought of me. I didn’t need to be someone I wasn’t to “belong.” That lesson followed me through life. Even now, I don’t really fit into large groups—and I’ve realized that’s okay. My sense of belonging comes from within and from the people who truly see and value me for who I am.
Finding Value in What Matters
For me, I found my value in my high school and college tennis teams. Those teams taught me the beauty of showing up, putting in the work, and finding joy in the process. It wasn’t about being popular or fitting in; it was about contributing to something bigger than myself while staying true to who I was. That’s when I realized something important: If everyone likes you, they probably don’t know the real you. Authenticity means having boundaries and standing for something, even if that means not everyone will agree with or accept you.
As you grow up, you should be losing friends. Why? Because you’re figuring out what you stand for, and you can’t stand for everything. Boundaries are beautiful. They’re a sign that you’re respecting yourself and your values.
You Are Enough, GRL
Here’s what I wish I could tell my younger self: It’s okay if you’re not in the group. It’s okay if people talk about you. What’s not okay is if you start believing what others say about you as truths. The dynamics of peers may not make sense now, but one day they will. Until then, be proud of who you are. Show up for yourself. Honor your passions. Listen to your gut. Know that social media lies, it’s not a true snapshot of what’s really going on.
So here’s your challenge, GRL: Stop listening to the noise that says you need to change to be worthy. Start listening to your instincts, your dreams, and your passions. You are enough—right here, right now. And the world needs you to live authentically. There’s only one you, and that is your superpower.